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Shorthand Classes for SSC

  • Start time: 1st week of the month
  • Duration: 1 Month
  • Level: Beginner
  • Location: Ranchi Centre

"Steno India” is popular institute for shorthand course and English & Hindi typing, in which preparation is provided to students for SSC stenographer competition test and Staff Selection Commission typist competition test.

SSC steno vacancy for various departments comes every year, and we have qualified, skilled and experienced trainers for the course. Their appropriate guidance is provided to make students successful in the competitive examination and they learn how to manage times and correctly and deploy questions in the examination.

In Steno India, shorthand course can be completed in only one month, and the classes is taken on the basis of the simple story by which student can learn the shorthand tricks easily.

For obtaining good speed in the Hindi and English Typing course we provide 3 months typing coaching.